Guardian Tales Platform Error 500: Guide to Easy Fixes

Don’t worry; you’re not the only Guardian Tales player who has experienced the “Platform Error 500” warning while playing the game. This error is a frequent problem that can happen for a number of reasons, including server faults or network connectivity issues. The good news is that you may easily fix the problem and resume playing the game by following a few easy steps.

We’ll walk you through some of the best fixes in this tutorial to assist you in fixing the Guardian Tales Platform Error 500. So let’s get going!

1. Check The Internet Connection

2. Clear App Cache

3. UpdateThe Guardian Tales App

4. Fix Network Connection Issues

5. Reinstall the Guardian Tales app and restart your device

6. Turn off the 3rd-Party firewall

Guardian Tales is introduced by Kong Studios. But, this game, too, includes some common technical glitches. In this article, I am going to share the above-said tricks in detail. Keep reading. 

Why Does The Guardian Tales Platform Error 500 Occur?

There are a number of causes for the Guardian Tales Platform Error 500, including server problems, network connectivity issues, or even a brief malfunction in the game’s system. When the server is overcrowded or the game is unable to establish a reliable connection with the server, this error frequently occurs. This issue can also be brought on by faulty game files or obsolete game versions.

1. Poor Internet Connection

Guardian Tales Platform Error 500

If the internet connection is slow or poor, you will not be able to run the game smoothly. That is why you are experiencing the platform error 500. 

If the game has not been updated for a long time, there can be multiple issues in the game including the platform error 500. When you update the game, the updated version of the game will fix many bugs and enhances the performance of the game with improved facilities. 

3. Enabled Third-Party Firewall

If there is any third-party firewall turned on in your device, it won’t let you play Guardian Tales smoothly. The 3rd-party firewall considers the Guardian Tales game malicious software as you are playing it online. 

4. App Cache

If the game’s app cache has not been cleared for a long time, it creates so many issues while playing Guardian Tales. 

How To Fix Guardian Tales Platform Error 500

Here are some best ways to fix Guardian Tales platform error 500 within a few minutes. 

1. Restart Your Phone

One of the simplest and most efficient ways to resolve the Guardian Tales Platform Error 500 is to restart your phone. The system of the game may temporarily malfunction or there may be a network connectivity issue as the cause of this error.

2. Check The Internet Connection

Do ensure that your internet connection is strong enough while playing the game, Guardian Tales. If you are experiencing a low or poor internet connection, do reboot the router as soon as possible.

3. Clear App Cache

Guardian Tales Platform Error 500

The game’s application will be clogged with unwanted data if you have not cleared it for a long time. To clear the app cache, you should do the following:

  • Open the settings of the game’s app.
  • Go to the option Choose Storage.
  • Select the Guardian Tales application option.
  • Select the app to clear the cache.
  • At last, select the clear cache option.

Once you clear the app cache, do not forget to restart your device as soon as possible. 

4. Update The Guardian Tales App

If the game has not been updated for a long time, there can be multiple issues in the game including the platform error 500. When you update the game, the updated version of the game will fix many bugs and enhances the performance of the game with improved facilities. 

So, always check if you are using the newest version of the game or not. Go to Google Play Store or Apple App Store to check if there is any update available for Guardian Tales. 

5. Fix Network Connection Issues

Here is how you can fix the network connection issues on the Guardian Tales application.

  • Open settings.
  • Go to the apps.
  • Choose the Manage Apps option.
  • Search for the Guardian Tales app.
  • Select the option Restrict Data Usage option.
  • Enable them all.
  • Turn on app permissions.
  • Choose the sim network option.
  • Select the Access point names.
  • Choose reset
  • Choose the preferred network type button.
  • Click on LTE.
  • Choose your mobile networks.
  • At first, turn it off and then turn it on again.
  • Restart the device.

6. Reinstall The Guardian Tales App And Restart Your Device

To fix this error, you need to remove the Guardian Tales app from your device and install it again. When you reinstall the Guardian Tales application, it gets refreshed with new and fresh data. So, it can fix any bugs including the platform error 500. 

7. Turn Off 3rd-Party Firewall

  • Go to the start menu.
  • Choose the control panel.
  • Go to system and security
  • Choose Windows firewall.
  • Turn it off. 

How To Prevent Guardian Tales Platform Error In The Future

If you want to prevent this error from happening in the future, you need to-

  • Update the game’s app frequently.
  • Clear app cache regularly.
  • Have a good internet connection while playing GuardianTales

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is guardian tales F2P friendly?

Well, the game Guardian Tales is completely F2P friendly. This game provides players with a cute and humorous storyline. Apart from this, this game adds extra and unique game elements which make the game more fun.

Q2. How do I fix platform errors in Guardian Tales?

Platform errors on Guardian Tales can be fixed by some easy and quick methods. Here are the tricks with which you can fix platform errors on Guardian Tales.

  • Check the internet connection
  • Clear app cache
  • Update the Guardian Tales app
  • Fix network connection issues
  • Reinstall the Guardian Tales app and restart your device

Q3. Why can’t I log in to Guardian Tales? 

  • Go to Settings.
  • Move to Accounts and Sync
  • Enable the auto-sync data option.
  • Restart the device.
  • Log in to your Facebook
  • Now, sign in to Guardian Tales from your Facebook
  • Accept the Cookies option

 Q4. Is Guardian Tales under maintenance?

The Guardian Tales application has been under maintenance since 13 December 2022 to fix bugs and increase its performance. 

Q5. Is Guardian Tales offline?

No, Guardian Tales is never offline. You just need a good internet connection to play this game online. 

Final Thoughts

So, these are the best ways to fix the Guardian Tales platform error 500. Try any of them and get rid of the issue. All the best.

See Also: 

About Me

John Doe is a technology expert with a passion for writing about the latest advancements and trends in the field. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, he has a deep understanding of a wide range of technologies and their applications. He has worked on various projects as a software developer, system administrator, and IT consultant.

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