How To Block Ads On Paramount Plus? {Updated 2023}

The app and website are free and ad-supported. There is no way to remove ads at this time.

Are you sick of Paramount Plus advertising interfering with your time spent watching your favourite shows? Fortunately, there are various options for blocking adverts on this well-liked streaming service.

One of the simplest ways is to sign up for the ad-free version of Paramount Plus. By doing this, all advertisements will be removed from your viewing experience, allowing you to binge-watch your preferred series uninterrupted.

Use browser add-ons like Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin, or AdGuard if you’d rather continue with the ad-supported plan. You can install these extensions on your browser to block the majority of adverts from appearing on the Paramount Plus website.

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with an ad blocker feature is an additional choice. This will prevent adverts from appearing on websites you visit while using the VPN, not only the Paramount Plus website.

Last but not least, you may configure a Raspberry Pi to act as a network-wide ad blocker if you’re at ease with a little bit of technical know-how. This will prevent advertising from appearing on any device connected to your home network, including ones used to stream Paramount Plus content.

Whatever option you select, you’ll be able to watch your favourite shows on Paramount Plus without having to put up with annoying advertising. Enjoy your stream!

For Chrome:  AdBlock
  • Click the AdBlock icon in the upper right corner of your browser. There will be a drop-down menu.
  • Click run on this domain’s pages.
  • When you click it, a pop-up window will emerge. When you click Exclude, the page should reload.
  • Refresh the Paramount+ page if necessary.
For Chrome: AdBlock Plus
  • From the browser toolbar, select the Chrome Menu icon.
  • Select More Tools from the menu, then Extensions from the sub-menu.
  • Check the Enabled checkbox next to the Adblock Plus entry.
For Firefox: AdBlock
  • Select Options from the menu icon (3 vertical dots).
  • Scroll down to Permissions after selecting Privacy and Security.
  • Check the box next to Block Pop-Up Windows to enable or disable AdBlock Firefox.
For Firefox: AdBlock Plus
  • Select the AdBlock Plus icon (Red sign with ABP). There will be a dropdown menu.
  • On, click Enable or Disable AdBlock.
  • The website and video should load again. Otherwise, click the “reload” symbol in the URL bar.

Is There Any Other Way To Block Ads On Paramount Plus?

Yes, there are other ways to block ads on Paramount Plus.

Using a browser extension like:

  • Adblock Plus,
  • uBlock Origin,
  • AdGuard is one choice.

You can install these extensions on your browser to block the majority of adverts from appearing on the Paramount Plus website.

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with an ad blocker feature is an additional choice. While accessing the Paramount Plus website, some VPNs, like Nord VPN and Cyber Ghost, have ad-blocking features that can be turned on.

It’s crucial to be aware that some streaming services, like Paramount Plus, may consider employing ad-blocking tools to be against their terms of service. Before utilising any ad-blocking software, be careful to review their policies.

How Much Does It Cost To Remove Ads On Paramount Plus?

The typical $4.99 per month plan is the Paramount Plus Essential plan. The Paramount Plus Premium plan is $9.99 per month for individuals who want to subscribe to an ad-free experience. For reference, Paramount Plus does offer annual subscriptions, which can help you save money.

For example, the annual Essential plan costs $49.99 per year, which works out to about $4.17 each month. Again, the annual cost of a subscription to the ad-free Premium plan is $99.99 per year, which is around $8.33 each month.

frequently asked questions

1. Why do I suddenly have ads on Paramount plus?

Premium subscribers have access to ad-free on-demand programming. Due to streaming rights, a few select episodes must have two brief promotional breaks. A promotional interruption is a brief, 10-15 second gap in programming designed to keep you informed about new Paramount+ series or movies. Short previews will also be shown to premium customers on occasion. Previews will only display ONCE a day before the start of ONE program. Any Paramount+ program can have previews.

2. Is Paramount plus worth no ads?

The Premium plan is only $5 more expensive than the Essential plan. There will be no difference in content, but you will not have to go through Apple or Samsung advertising. If you ask us, it’s worth it to invest a few additional bucks to prevent those annoying interruptions. If you ask us, it’s worth it to invest a few additional bucks to prevent those annoying interruptions. However, before committing, we recommend taking advantage of the free trial to determine whether you don’t mind the commercials.

3. How can I watch Paramount Network without commercials?

The Paramount Network app and website are ad-supported and free. At the moment, there is no method to eliminate advertisements. While the majority of Paramount+ shows may be streamed ad-free, some will have promotional interruptions (a brief gap in programming to inform you about other Paramount+ shows), and live TV will feature ads.

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About Me

John Doe is a technology expert with a passion for writing about the latest advancements and trends in the field. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, he has a deep understanding of a wide range of technologies and their applications. He has worked on various projects as a software developer, system administrator, and IT consultant.

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